Online Sales Pro Review – Not a SCAM… but is it WORTH IT?
Here's my 100% in-depth Online Sales Pro Review where I break down the system from start to finish... and give you a look behind the scenes.
I also show my results from a CASE STUDY I ran that showed how it's not so simple to make money with it as they make you think... we reveal all the additional hidden costs as we break it all down to see if you actually get value for what you pay for.
Online Sales Pro Review - SUMMARY
Name: Online Sales Pro
Previous Part Owner: Vincent Ortega Jr.
Price: $37/mo VIP, $97/mo MVP or $997/yr
5 / 10
1.) So What's Online Sales Pro & How Does it Work?
Online Sales Pro is pretty much like an "app" for network marketers or MLM'ers. They all about teaching you prospecting and how to recruit & build leads for your business... and provide some software in the back office and supporting materials to do this.
There's 3 sides to Online Sales Pro. These are...
1.) It's a software for you to create Lead Capture Pages
2.) It teaches Online Content Marketing & Lead Generation
3.) You can make money by recruiting other people into OSP
So with that being said... it's pretty much no different to any other typical make money online opportunity or online network marketing company.
And to be honest... there's nothing too special to come out of this program... and there's no training that you can't find for free on YouTube.
They are highly focused on teaching you to on-promote the Online Sales Pro system. So most of the training is focused around getting you to go out an promote OSP as an affiliate.
It's just another case of "Hey... join us and we'll show you how to make money. And you make money by recruiting other people... who will in turn make money by going out to recruit more people"
Probably the best thing about OSP are their flashy Sales Videos promoting the ultimate internet lifestyle... which I have to say are actually pretty cool (and one of the reasons I joined up)... like this video here:
But remember this... all these flashy shiny objects are to entice you emotionally to join the program and just realize that videos like this reflect the results and lifestyle of perhaps the top recruiters... and not beginner affiliates starting from scratch.
People are usually able to create videos like this after 10 years+ in the industry, and the results usually came from previous products & opportunities, not necessarily due to the product they're advertising.
AND Unless you have access to those things yourself already you won't have much luck being able to advertise in this way. I've got nothing against flash Sales Videos, as long as the quality of the training is there to back it up.
So as with any system we want to really look at it and ask..
Will I learn the online marketing & traffic generation skills needed to succeed online?
Do they deliver an actual product & service... or is it just a online recruiting system?
Is there value for money?
Unfortunately in my opinion... there's not.
Just be aware that it's typical of most network marketing companies like OSP (Digital Altitude is just the same)... where the top recruiters will use their lavish lifestyles (usually gained from previous programs) to promote their current business opportunities.
So the success you see sometimes has nothing to do with the opportunity... but it has more to do with their own personal branding that they've established. The success you see has been from taking their followers through one opportunity to the next over time.
Without the quality content or product to back it up... then the opportunity has no real value.
I'm not saying Online Sales Pro is a scam... I guess I'm saying they have great front end marketing, for a system that isn't quite the best in terms of what they deliver.
So let's break down the system, and go over what it is you actually get....
2.) Price Breakdown & Upsells
2.1.) Membership Levels
There are two membership levels to Online Sales Pro.
- Regular Membership - $37/mo or $297/year
- MVP Membership - $97/mo or $997/year
Once you get in you will be up sold to keep upgrading to the higher levels... and you can only earn commissions from the level you are at or below (not higher).
So even while the commission payouts are 50-55%... if you're only a regular $37/mo member you won't be eligible to receive commissions from $297 annual sales, or the MVP sales.
2.2.) Compensation Plan
When you recruit others into Online Sales Pro... these are the commissions you get on the memberships of your customers;
Membership Level | Subscription Cost | Commission earned by affilaite |
MVP Annual | $997/yearly | $500/yearly |
MVP Monthly | $97/monthly | $50/monthly |
Standard Annual | $297/yearly | $150/yearly |
Standard Monthly | $37/monthly | $20/monthly |
The main thing to note is you only get commissions off of the level you are at and below.
So if you're only a $37/mo member... you will only get commissions from your members on the $37/mo package. If your member upgrades to annual... or up to MVP... you won't get any of those commissions.
If you're Standard Annual ($297/yr) you will get commissions on the standard $37 monthly and the standard annual only... but you won't get any commissions if they upgrade to MVP.
3.) Does it Actually Work?
In my Online Sales Pro Review, I wanted to try and give a case study to give you some idea of how likely it is to actually make money with this system?
So I ran some traffic to the OPS funnels using Bing's Pay per Click Ad Network (Bing PPC), plus I put up one single Facebook Post documenting my initial results.
Here's the summary of my test results:

In the above image (you can 'right-click' and select 'open in new tab' to enlarge), you will see my results from my Bing PPC campaign.
And below is the only other source of traffic I used... one Facebook post that was completely free (keep in mind my account size was at approx. 1,000-1,500 friends at the time).

The Opt-in rate on their provided Landing Page was pretty decent > 30% so I was pretty impressed with that... but at the end I didn't get a return for my money.
3.1.) Results from the Case Study
So for a total spend of $206.20, and making only $170... I did not make money up front promoting Online Sales Pro.
You likely won't make money on the front end if you just send paid traffic to the offer.
Even though OSP sends out done-for-you emails for you, it doesn't guarantee conversions.
You will need to run free traffic methods as well to reduce your overall costs.
You wont make money just by sending clicks to the System.
You likely will only succeed with this system by building your own brand, and by daily prospecting / recruiting on FB or other social media.
The people I see who are the top in the program all tend to have big followings on FB already... if you are starting as a beginner from scratch, it will take consistent action over extended time to slowly build up and gain momentum.
So i'm not saying it's not possible to make money with this system... just that it's a lot harder and will take a lot more work than simply plugging into an app... like they make you think.
4.) What Do You Actually Get In The Back Office?
4.1.) The Online Sales Pro Back Office & Dashboard
The back office dashboard has a really clean & simple look, and it's very easy to navigate around and find your way around everything. This is better than some systems where there is just too much going on and it's too cluttered you can't find anything.

The main things you get in the membership area are;
- Resources
- Getting Started area - Step-by-step setup guides
- Marketing Training
- Online Store (to showcase your 3rd party affiliate programs)
- Affiliate Area
- Your affiliate links & done-for-you funnels (to promote OSP)
- Your commissions summary
- 3rd party funnels (done for you funnels to promote other systems, like MCA, Easy1Up, Digital Altitude, etc.)
- In-house Landing Page Builder
- Your Leads (list of your email subscribers)
- Some PDF downloads 'Marketing Guides'
4.2.) Marketing Training
Most of the Marketing training you will get in the back office seem to be live webinar/hangout recordings... or interview or discussion style videos.
This is no different to anything you can easily look up for free on YouTube or searching podcasts.

Personally I don't like this style of training.
For me, good training or education should have:
- Step by step 'how-to' tutorials
- Case studies and behind the scenes examples of successful campaigns
- How to build stuff from scratch
- Strategy breakdowns & psychology
- Tasks & homework assignments... action steps you can go and implement
4.3.) Setup Guide (System Training)
The step-by-step guide on how to setup your account and your profile is really good. This is the training to teach you how to use OSP.
It's clear, in a step-by-step order, easy to follow and shows you exactly what to do.
The system would be better if they used this approach to their marketing training.

4.4.) Online Store
The online store is actually a pretty cool feature.
When you check out the store, you will be viewing your sponsors shopfront... and you'll find affiliate products that your sponsor has uploaded.
Having said that, If you upgrade to MVP you will then be able to upload your own affiliate products to your store, that your team members will be able to see and purchase from.
The only catch? ... you have to be MVP to access this feature ($97/month or $997/year). Is it really worth paying $997 a year just to create a profile to host your affiliate products on? Mmmm probably not.
So cool feature... but not worth it.

4.5.) Done-For-You Funnels
This is probably one of the better parts of the system.
All you do is go into the affiliates center... grab your affiliate links... and BAM you have a front end funnel ready to go to promote OSP.
And the leads that are captured through the pre-made funnels get recorded in your back office so you have access to them.
With an Optin rate I was getting at 42%... it's not bad if all you want to do is build your leads using done-for-you content, and willing to pay $37/mo for that.
The benefit of this is so absolute beginners who want to be able to start earning right away can do so... without having to learn to build funnels for themselves.
But again... this is just a short term solution.
If you want to get good at online marketing, eventually you will have to learn how to create funnels & promotions for yourself.
What happens if OSP ever goes bust? All your stuff is gone.
You never ever want to rely on someone else... or on just one opportunity for your income.
There are other programs that teach you how to build out all your marketing campaigns using 3rd party Landing Page software... which I believe is a much better option for serious marketers.
4.6.) Done-For-You Traffic
Apart from also encouraging you to upgrade to the higher MVP package... OSP will also offer in-house clicks you can purchase as a way of further up-sells.
A sort of a done-for-you traffic solution.
These traffic packages come from a fairly well know solo ads provider known as 'Igor's Traffic', and so OSP will get a commission of all the traffic that you purchase.
So essentially you are paying Online Sales Pro and this Solo Ad provider for them to drive traffic to your sales campaigns. Sales campaigns that you set up to promote Online Sales Pro.
OSP basically doubles up on their earnings with this feature... whereas you, the affiliate takes all the risk.
Although I see nothing wrong with using purchased Solo ads, as long as you test the provider out first before you scale up... I personally don't use Solo ads as It's a traffic source you don't control.
If you are constantly depending on someone else to do everything for you... then you never really will become an independent marketer. You really want to learn how to generate your own traffic so you never have to depend on anyone else for your success.

As you can see they're selling clicks for $1.30 - $1.65 per click!
You can easily get clicks for much less if you spend the time learning how to generate traffic yourself. And OSP don't really teach much in the way of paid traffic strategies.
5.) Pro's vs Con's
5.1.) Pros
- It's simple and beginner friendly
It's a very simple & quick process to setup everything and to navigate your way through the training & back office.
- It's cheap to start
It's probably the cheapest training I've seen around, where standard membership is $37/mo... and you can start earning $20/mo (54%) per referral sale. This is excellent for beginners who want to test it out and get a feel for the system.
- Done for you funnels
The done for you funnels are simple to use and quick to tap into... they have a clean modern look and you can leverage the sales videos which are pretty good.
- The up-sales are reasonable
I've seen and paid for a lot of 'high-ticket' programs that start out at like $49/mo... and they literally try to up-sell you to over $50,000... with the old "you gotta get positioned man or you're just leaving money on the table" deal.
At least OSP provides a means of earning "high-ticket" (without ripping you to the bank) through their annual membership option. Paying monthly, or getting a slight discount by paying an annual fee upfront is typical to many online products & services.
Some people will go to annual... some will stick to monthly. So it's a great way to offer both residual monthly commissions and one off bigger payments to the mix.... without having to ask people to refinance their mortgages (like this company does).
5.2.) Cons
- The in-house Landing Page builder
You never want to rely on someone else for your income or online infrastructure. If Online Sales Pro goes out of business... then all your digital assets go bye-bye.
Also technical-wise the Landing Page editor... although has some nice templates... is very limited. As you can see below Vincent Ortega Jr. (previous part owner) has moved over to rather than using OSP.

What you want is a proper system that teaches you how to use 3rd party tools & resources (like ClickFunnels) to build your business... AND one that passes on the referral commission of these 3rd party tools to YOU. So
- You are not relying on that opportunity for your infrastructure (in case it every goes bust)
- Your earnings are spread over different companies (i.e. multiple streams of income)... and not just relying on the opportunity.
That Way if the company every goes down... your income from these 3rd party tools & resources is not effected... and you still have all your main pages and accounts intact.
- The online marketing training is not the best
To be honest... the online training modules are OK... but you can find it all on YouTube anyway. It's the kind of training that's focused for the beginner to give them a quick start and the basics to start promoting & recruiting on Facebook.
- You will still have to go elsewhere to learn traffic generation
Online Sales Pro predominately teaches how to recruit on Facebook. And a bit about how to write email followup. If you're looking for more in depth and all rounded training on affiliate marketing, traffic generation, and how to create promotions & campaigns that convert... you will have to go elsewhere.
- Done-for-you traffic services
While there's nothing technically wrong with purchasing done-for-you traffic... I personally believe it teaches the wrong way of thinking & bad habits.
It teaches you to become highly dependent on others for your success.
- The $997 annual fee
If you upgrade to MVP and deiced to save by paying the annual fee up front, the only problem is it's an annual recurring fee, and if you forget about it you may get caught out.
This is no so much of a problem if you're making a consistent income online, but there are other programs out there (like this one here) that offer LIFETIME upgrades for only one payment... which is usually $497, or $997 one time only (not annual).
This will save you paying $997 every single year.
So I'd consider this a negative feature when comparing to what other programs offer.
5.3.) Who Online Sales Pro is For
I'd recommend Online Sale Pro for people who:
5.4.) Who Online Sales Pro is NOT For
I would not recommend Online Sale Pro for people who:
If you are looking for more well rounded & in-depth training on traffic and conversion strategies... then this is the program I recommend.
6.) My Sincere Advice to You
In all honesty, although this program has some OK features... all in all it's just lacking far too much to be a well rounded program. You can get much better value elsewhere.
Sure it's cheap, and you might make some affiliate sales here and there and break even... but my belief is it's not a strong product / training program and so doesn't give people much reason to stick around. You will start it then probably leave it shortly after.
If you're someone who's serious about building a solid income online you probably won't get anything out of this except for some basic Facebook recruiting training which you can find on YouTube for free anyway.
If however you're still just keen as mustard to just give it a shot... you can click here to check it out
Otherwise if you're serious about making money online and wanting to learn real internet marketing & traffic generation strategies, you'll find this program invaluable. It's where I pretty much learned everything I know... and has way better training and compensation plan.
The program that helped me earn my first ever commissions online.
Read the case study where I break down exactly what I did, and the 'one thing' that finally helped me get results when so many other programs never worked...

I hope you found this article helpful and it has helped shed some light on knowing what to expect and what to look for when finding a legitimate Online Business.
Feel free to leave me a comment below if you'd like to discuss more.