Four Percent Group Review – New & Updated for 2018!
In this Four Percent Group Review you'll find out why I think it's probably one of the better programs out there especially in terms of helping beginners to create a passive income online with digital marketing.
Four Percent Group Review - SUMMARY
Name: Four Percent Group
Owner: Vick Strizheus
Overall Score: 95 out of 100
95 / 100
Summary: The Four Percent Group is a program that teaches online marketing & affiliate marketing for beginners, and also is a done-for-you funnel system you can use to promote (and get full commissions from) actual products like ClickFunnels, GetResponse and other online tools.
They teach how to create a passive income online by promoting subscription style products (software's, memberships, online tools etc.) that pay out monthly recurring commissions, that actually help people create their online presence.
They also specialize in traffic generation & conversion strategies... helping people become successful independent marketers, and not just a distributor for their own company.
It is also Risk Free to try as you get 7-Days access for just $1 (then charged $49), and you can cancel any time.
These are the reasons why the Four Percent Group get's our #1 recommendation.
In this Four Percent Group Review - here's what we'll go over:
1.) What IS The Four Percent Group?
The 4 Percent Group itself (what you pay $49 a month for) is basically a training program that teaches online marketing, and helps individuals without any experience to promote a panel of recommended products (Multiple streams of income or MSI's)
These are real actual products (software & online tools) that internet marketers or small business owners would use no matter what industry they're in to run their online business.
These 'multiple-streams of income' or MSI's include (but not limited to):
- 3rd party Web-building platforms (ClickFunnels),
- 3rd part email auto-responders (GetResponse, Aweber),
- 3rd party link tracking & link cloaking services (ClickMagick),
- 3rd party E-Commerce platforms etc. (Shopify - from within the E-Com course)
- In house education (Traffic courses like 'Internet Traffic Mastery')
They teach step-by-step how to build an online business from scratch using these tools... AND as your leads go through the system all the referral commissions on all these recommended tools GO TO YOU ... as your leads go through the training.
But the vision of the Four Percent Group is beyond just online marketing. It's about making entrepreneurs great. It's about helping people understand how to create promotions, so they can go out and apply these skills to anything...
... to be able to create their own economy, and not having to depend on any one particular system, company or product for your success.
2.) What Do You Actually GET?
Essentially what you’re getting is:
- Done for you marketing funnels to promote these 3rd party MSI's
- 100% of the commissions on sales of these MSI's paid to you
- Leveraging off Vicks teaching modules rather than building your own
- Education: Affiliate marketing, Traffic Generation & conversion strategies.
- Access to 'the $10K challenge' - Guided daily modules detailing step-by-step how to setup your online business and go from Zero to your first $10k in revenue with daily action tasks in your first 60-days
Here's a detailed breakdown of what's inside the Four Percent Group Members area...
The Back Office
The back office is essentially split into two sections.
1.) - Affiliate Area
This is where you connect all your affiliate links, get your marketing funnels, promo materials, reporting center etc.
2.) - Education Area
This has all the training modules, how to's, webinar replays, traffic & conversion training.

The Four Percent Challenge

The challenge is broken into 3 parts, $10k... $100k and $1mil milestones that a person would want to 'break-through' as they start from scratch.
The $10k challenge is probably the best feature of the entire system, and is the cornerstone training of the Four Percent System.
It's a guided daily path that walks a person step-by-step through setting up an online business from scratch... to go from Zero to your first $10k in revenue as fast as possible with daily action tasks.
If you ever had questions like:
So how do I setup a domain name for my business?
How do I find good products to promote?
How do I actually promote & sell products online?
How do I create effective Lead Capture Pages and sales funnels?
How do I start building my list of email subscribers?
How do I communicate & follow-up with my fans?
How do I integrate my email auto-responder with my websites?
How do I track clicks & conversions?
How do I get visitors (traffic) to my websites & offers?
How do I actually convert those visitors into Customers?
How do I create re-targeting campaigns?
How do I create a Blog from Scratch
How can I build a simple funnel or promotion to capture leads & promote my product?
This is what the Challenge is all about.
Walking you through step-by-step how to do all this, what to do each day for 60-days where you can just follow along... and you get access to it with your $49 membership.
One thing I really like most is the philosophy behind the challenge, which goes something like this..
People in general are struggling day-to-day financially. Before you can really concentrate on building wealth, a person must first BREAK THROUGH to financial independence.
... Coz the truth is you can't think about wealth creation when you're struggling to pay bills...
The purpose of the $10k challenge is to get people to financial independence as fast as possible... THEN it's all about wealth creation
But the fact that it's put together as a $10k challenge... rather than something like a "6-steps to $10k in 30 days" or a "$500 a day system" marketing ploy is really great because it sets people in the proper mindset on how to approach it.
Also it's not based on hype marketing... no flashy videos with guys jumping on Jets, or driving around hired Lamborghini's to try to entice you emotionally to join.
They are upfront about what it is... you either decide to try out the challenge for 7 days for $1, and if you get value you can continue for $49/mo.
The JOURNEY | Interviews with top income earners
Ever wondered exactly what it took most people to succeed as a beginner?
Vick interviews a panel of top earners in the industry specifically asking about what they did EXACTLY to get their very first success breakthroughs online as beginners.
I think these interviews are great and help set a realistic expectation of what it takes to actually succeed online if you're a beginner.
Paulo Barroso | Immigrant from Portugal who ended up in UK... broke, no English, no plan. Worked in printing for 17 years working month to month to support his wife & two kids.
Paid on the first, broke by the first. Started following Vicks teachings and got his first $1,500 day, then went on to make over $10,000 that month... his first month ever. His story is pretty cool and he explains exactly what he did day-to-day to get his breakthrough.
Miles Segers | Went to college, ended up unhappy in corporate America. Decided to try affiliate marketing. Green as green can be only 3 months into the game, he followed Vicks teachings and strategies to the "T"...he was able to generate a little over $52,000 in 83 days (approx. 3 months)
Justin & D Verrengia | $500,000 in debt from an upside-down real estate market, lost everything with no college degrees to fall back on. Sold everything they owned & bought a one way ticket to Costa Rica... then ended up in China teaching English.
Then they went online. In their "Journey" interview they tell how they went from less than $2,000 a month to having their first $30,000 month within 30 days (not with 4 percent)... to generating over $4 mil online in 4 years after that.
They tell what their daily routine looked like, their video marketing strategies and other cool tips that lead to their breakthrough.
J & D Verrengia have been verified to make $311,200 in 3 months with the 4% system.
Earnings Disclaimer:
IMPORTANT: Please don't interpret any of these testimonials as a promise or implication of your future earnings. These results aren't even remotely typical. These guys worked extremely hard to get these type of results. This stuff is all hard and it takes WORK and some RISK. Just like any & every other business. However I write these testimonials to give a preview of what you will get access to in their interviews where they explain exactly what they did and what it took to get these results, and how you can learn from their example.
I really liked these interviews because you get to learn exactly what each of these people did while they were broke and struggling to get their first commissions online, and then how they scaled and broke through to $10,000+ and beyond.

Done For You FUNNELS | Earn while you learn
They have done for you funnels to promote the Four Percent System... and also different funnels to promote some of the other stand-alone products.
These come with step-by-step video tutorials on how to connect your affiliate links & set everything up.

Business & Marketing | Traffic & Conversions Modules
This is where you find your individual traffic training modules.
In general, whatever is taught by Vick, you will get free as a 4 Percent member. Like:
- "Internet Marketing Strategies"...
- "List Building Strategies"...
- "What's Working Now"...
- "The $10k Challenge"
Where Vick brings in an outside expert to help deliver a course, like:
- "INSTAGRAM Traffic Mastery"... or
- "SEO Mastery" or
- "ECOM Entrepreneur"... these courses are sold.
Good part is... you only purchase what you need or want... but as a Four Percent promotional partner you can still earn commissions on these high ticket products even if you don't own them yourself (with exception of Internet Traffic Mastery).

Coaching Sessions | Planning out a road for success
Mini-coaching modules on:
- Success mindset,
- Daily routine & income producing activities,
- Setting yourself a 30-day challenge,
- Controlling and managing your emotions (the ups-&-downs of the online game)
- Beating procrastination... etc.

Private WEBINAR Replays | Hacks & Strategy Sessions
These are all free to access with the $49 membership. Includes topics such as:

3.) How The Four Percent Group Works!
3.1) The Basic Structure
There are 3 basic parts to the 4 Percent Group;
1.) Membership
- Trial Period = $1 for the first 7 days
- Membership = $49/mo (after the first 7-days)
- Affiliate fee (promotional partner) = $19/mo
As a Four Percent Member ($49 a month) you get full access to the whole back office, 'The Challenge', webinar replays, and tons of other training.
Being a promotions partner ($19/mo affiliate fee) unlocks the commissions on all the MSI products and the membership levels your customer purchases.
ANNUAL Membership ($497 a year) - you can choose to pay a one time annual fee of $497 for full access, instead of the $49 / mo.
LIFETIME Membership ($497 one time) - after you join there will be limited time offer giving you the chance to pay $497 once for life. This will completely eliminate your $49 monthly fee, and the you will only need to cover the affiliate fee of $19/mo.
You earn 40% commission on each of these as long as you're at least a $49/mo member and a $19/mo promotional partner.
As long as you're a member ($49) and a promotional partner ($19) you get access to;
- Back office
- Reporting center
- Done-for-you funnels & promotional content
- The Challenge (the main product)
- Webinar Replays & the Journey interviews
- 40% Commission on all membership levels ($49/mo or $497 annual or $497 lifetime)
- Commissions on all 3rd party products & tools, including;
- ClickFunnels, GetResponse, ClickMagick, NameCheap, etc.
2.) The 3 x Core Products
Once you're in... there are 3 core products;
(and keep in mind the affiliate commissions on all products are 40%)

*** NOTE: as a member goes through the challenge modules they will be offered 'Internet Traffic Mastery' at a discounted rate of $997. Otherwise if promoted as a stand alone course it's $2,497.
There are two conditions to earning commission on the core products;
- You have to own these core products to be able to earn commissions on them.
- You have to be a promotional partner to earn commissions (i.e. the $19/mo affiliate fee)
3.) Specialty products from the marketplace
When it comes to the products from the marketplace, you are able to earn commissions from these products without having to purchase them yourself.
This is a great feature because;
- You are able to earn high ticket commission without having to buy them yourself
- You purchase only what you need... and not pressured to purchase just for the sake of unlocking commissions.

3.2) The 3rd Party Products & MSI Payouts
One of the best things about Four Percent Group is through the $10k challenge they promote (on your behalf) all the basic tools a person needs to build an online business.
As they take you through the learning modules... when a person gets the website builder or email auto-responder used in the training... the sale goes to you.
This is an industry FIRST!
Pretty much every other system out there gets you to promote the system as a distributor.. and the company makes extra money by promoting these tools during the training's.
Four percent is the first to hand over commissions on these 3rd party resources to us, the affiliates.
3rd Party Products They Promote
The products they promote are:
- ClickFunnels ($97/mo) - You earn 40% ($38.80/mo)
- LeadPages ($37/mo or $25/mo paid annually) - You earn 30% ($11.10/mo)
- GetResponse ($25/mo) - You earn 33% ($8.25/mo)
- AWeber ($29/mo) - You earn 30% ($8.70/mo)
- NameCheap (see for comp plan)
- ClickMagick ($47/mo or $33/mo paid annually) - You earn $35%
The kicker is YOU get 100% of the affiliate commission on all these MSI's when someone goes through the program and creates an account with them.
Also when people upgrade to the higher membership levels on these tools, let's say to get more features... your commission get boosted too.
The other benefit is you can sign up for an affiliate account with these software and still earn commissions from them... even if you don't purchase them yourself.
Build all your Capture Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages, Bridge Pages, Product Reviews, Order forms, Thank You Pages, Upsell / Downsells / Cross-sells, One Time Offers (OTO’s), Product Launches, Membership Areas, Webinars etc. - You can even try a Full Demo Here to see ClickFunnels in action.
This is what you use to build your list of email subscribers. You write a series of pre-written emails that deploy automatically to every person who signs up to your list via your Capture Page.
Track clicks, opt-in rates, conversions rates, track where your visitors are coming from, rotate & split test your pages AND cloak your links.
Purchase your domain names, or “.com” addresses from. E.g. if you want to set-up
Why this is a MAJOR benefit over other programs...
- You're not just promoting 'education' or 'info'
- You're selling actual products (software, web page builders etc.)
- These can be used in any industry for any business (not just 4%)
- People are getting something tangible for their money, ontop of education
- If the Four Percent Group ever goes bust... It wont affect your commissions from these 3rd party tools. You will still have an income from other sources. That's the beauty of the MSI's.
Other programs tend to only give you commissions from the company’s product line in an effort to get you to keep up-selling their business.
If the company goes bust (and many have)... then you loose everything... your products, your commissions... and you have to start all over again (plus get some pretty pissed off followers who joined through your recommendations).
They way the FourPercent is structured is sort of having some protection against that. If 4Percent ever closes down, you will still have commissions coming in from ClickFunnels, GetResponse etc.
Even If you don't make money with Four Percent system directly... at least for $49 you will still have the tools and have learned some skills you can go out and apply to other products / offers.
3.3) the 4 PERCENT Compensation Plan FULL Breakdown
There's a 40/10/10 commission plan over 3 levels. What this means is:
Here are the numbers just from level 1 (commission on sales you make directly):
Four Percent Group Membership
- 4 Percent Monthly ($49 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $19.60/mo
- 4 Percent Annual ($497 a year) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $191.60/yr
- 4 Percent Lifetime ($497 one time) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $191.60 one time
The 4 Percent membership basically get's you access the whole back office, the 4 Percent challenge, and some of the in-house training's... as a customer.
The $19/mo partners fee activates your ability to earn commissions.
Four Percent 3rd Party Products (the MSI's)
- ClickFunnels ($97 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $38.80/mo
- ClickFunnels FULL SUITE ($297 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $118.80/mo
- GetResponse BASIC ($25 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 33%... so $8.25/mo
- AWeber BASIC ($29 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 30%... so $8.70/mo
- ClickMagick ($47 a month) - Affiliate Payout is 35%... so $16.45/mo
- NameCheap (Roughly $10/yr per domain)
- Shopify Ecommerce Platform ($29/mo basic, or $79/mo standard)... earn up to $2,000 per new merchant referral.
These are promoted through 'The $10k Challenge'... where people are taught how to build an online business from scratch using these tools.
For me personally.... this is where the beauty of the 4 percent system lies and why I love it.
As you can see, the more people who you bring through the program... not only will they learn how to build their business step-by-step... but you will be building a passive recurring income.
Four Percent CORE Products
- The $10k, $100k, $1mil Challenge - Free access with your membership
- eStage Blogging System MONTHLY ($97/mo) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $38.80/mo
- eStage Blogging System LIFETIME ($497) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $198.80 one time
- Internet Traffic Mastery Course ($2,497) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $998.80 one time
These are also promoted through 'The Challenge'... but in later modules directed to people who want to take their business to the next level and really master traffic.
The only restriction to the compensation plan is on the core products. You have to own these particular core products to earn commission on them.
Four Percent Marketplace
- SEO Mastery ($497) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $198.80
- INSTAGRAM Traffic Mastery ($997) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $398.80
- ECOM Entrepreneur ($1,997) - Affiliate Payout is 40%... so $798.80
- Other Courses coming soon (will follow similar price points even up to $1,997 with a 40% commission rate)
As long as you're a Four Percent member (monthly or annual) and have your affiliate partner status active... you will get commissions from all the products I've listed above (memberships, MSI's and in-house traffic modules)
Except for Shopify, where you have to be an ECOM-Entrepreneur customer (as it's promoted through the E-Com Entrepreneur course).
But don't worry... the 10k challenge will have plenty of traffic training in that alone, you don't have to buy these. These are only if you want to purchase a course on a specialized skill.
But all in all I think this is a pretty good comp plan to help you build up a recurring income online... without being forced to constantly upgrade.
3.4) Bottom Line... So How Much is It ACTUALLY Going to Cost me?

Right now you might be looking at all these products and prices thinking "wholly crap this is a lot to take in ??? 🙁 "
You may be thinking "courses up to $2.5k?... yikes?"
While the Internet Traffic Mastery course is a good thing to have... the truth is I personally believe the true value is in the 10k challenge (which you get as a $49 member).
This is the main feature training that will help you learn digital marketing skills and allow you to build recurring commissions online.
So realistically... it's going to cost you $49 + $19 = $68/mo
This gets you into the '$10k challenge'...
.... get's you commissions on all 3rd party MSI's
.... it get's you a DFY system that promotes these products
... get's you a step-by-step training how to build your business from scratch
...get's you access to commissions on the 4% membership levels
While the challenge will eventually up-sell the higher ticket products (like Traffic Mastery and eStage)... the value is more in building up a passive income from the MSI products and learning the online marketing skills.
There's traffic training in the $10k challenge anyway. I'd suggest starting there... and if you see some success, then consider purchasing Internet Traffic Mastery if you want.
You don't need the higher products to succeed with this system.
If you are getting results... and you know you are able to get consistent leads into your business, then it may be worth considering the Traffic Mastery course since you will earn approx. $1,000 per referral... and you will learn some advanced traffic strategies to scale with.
Here's my honest recommendation...
- Try out the $1 trial
- You'll know in 7 days if it's worth it for you to give it a real go.
- If so... Go all out with the challenge for at least 30 days ($49 + $19 affiliate fee)
- If you don't resonate with the training at all... then you can easily cut it from there
- If you really enjoy the training... try to make some affiliate sales first
- You want to at least break even on the cost of the system
- With 40% commission... 3 x affiliate sales will more than break you even on the cost
- Once you've seen that you can make 3 affiliate sales... then consider buying some of the higher products if you want to.
This is how I would approach it... and in fact that's how I DO do it 🙂 with any product that I purchase.
Regarding the 3rd party tools & traffic costs;
These are all expense you face no matter what program or business you go with... so I don't really count it as a part of Four Percent cost.
So if you take these out... then you can test out and start making money with 4 Percent for only $68.
*** See the End Of This Post for some FREE TRAFFIC BONUSES that I Offer ***
*** To help you get results ***
4.) Can You Actually Make Money With FOUR PERCENT GROUP?
Here's a quick video where Vick asked people to post the results they're getting with Four Percent into the members Facebook group:
4.1) Results of Average Members
So although there are a lot of experienced marketers getting insane results with this... there are also a lot of beginners getting results with this system too.
EXAMPLE: - There's one story I know of where single mother of 2 kids, Sandra Watts after 13 years of struggling to make her first dime online to support her family... was able to go from zero to a $5,286.00/mo recurring income within 27 Days with 4 Percent.
She also built an Instagram account to 150,000 followers for free by following the training's. Now she's on the leader board.
Keep in mind this doesn't mean every member gets results. There are certainly people in FourPercent who aren't getting any results.
But I definitely think the Four Percent Group is the best chance compared to other programs for those who follow the training & apply what they learn.
4.2) My Personal Results So Far
After sending some traffic to the system & following the steps I was able to get some traction pretty early on.
The amount of work I did to get these results was probably just a few hours, setting it all up and running one traffic campaign.
I have spent a lot of money on a lot of different programs, including thousands of dollars on high ticket programs which always seemed to have hard time converting.
Four Percent has given me the best results so far.

These results are from BING ADS campaign sending cold traffic straight to the Four Percent system (no bridge page or pre-frame content or email follow-up)

- AD SPEND = $469.53
- TOTAL CLICKS = 1,179
- RESULTS = 5 x paid members plus a few ClickFunnels sales
Although these results are not mind blowing, it's the first program that I've been able to see some actual results with.
4.3) 4 Percent vs Other Systems [CASE STUDY]
I wanted to see how 4 Percent group compared to other popular programs.
So purely as a comparison reference, this is the method I used to rate Four percent in terms of how well it converts (i.e. can you actually make money).
Here's how I did it:
- STEP 1) - Created a Bing PPC campaign
- STEP 2) - Target same audience ('make money online' & 'online business' niche)
- STEP 3) - Sent traffic straight to the systems (no pre-frame or bridge pages).
Here are the results:

TOTAL Ads Spend: $469.53
TOTAL Clicks Sent: 1,179
5 Paid Members... 3 still active. So $22 x 5 = $110 initially, then $22 x 3 = $66/mo ongoing.
2 x ClickFunnels Signups, so $38.80 x 2 = $77.70/mo ongoing.
So with the SAME ad campaign,
.... the SAME marketing strategy,
.... sending SAME traffic to each of these systems (see below)...
I found that Four Percent group converted higher than other programs in general.
I got more sales, with way less clicks from the same cold traffic market.
If you add email follow up, video marketing &/or social media marketing I'd say you can expect even better results than in the test here.
Please don't interpret any of these results as a promise or guarantee of your future earnings. Even though my personal results are modest, I still did spend a lot of time leading up to this learning how to write ads and setup the promotions. While Four Percent Group is the first business I was actually able to earn any income with... I did a lot of learning, testing, trial and error and practice leading up to this point. And while Four Percent will teach you how to do all this, it's still a skill you will have to learn, apply & practice, and your results will depend on the amount of effort and dedication you put into it.
5.) Risk Management
Risk Management is always important NO MATTER WHICH program you join.
How to Offset Your Costs & Be In for Free
T H E 3 X R U L E
The trick is to quickly offset your investment to a break-even point... by getting your first 2-3 affiliate sales as quick as possible
For example, ClickFunnels is $97 a month, and pays out 40% commission. So you earn $38.80/mo for every sale you recommend.
3 x $38.80/mo = $116.40/mo in recurring commissions.
Four Percent Group membership is $49 a month, and pays out 45% commission. So you earn $22.05 a month for every affiliate sale.
3 x $22.05 = $66.15/mo in recurring commissions.

TIP** I will never spend more that $2,000 with a program (any more lol) if I can't prove that I can make conversions on the lower end first. Basically if you can't convert a customer at a $100 level, then you probably can't convert them at a $2,000+ level.
If you decide to go ahead with Four Percent Group I offer some additional BONUSES including some Free Traffic Strategies to help beginners get started and to help give the greatest chance possible to get results even if you're on a limited budget - (see end of this post for details).
6.) PRO's vs CON's
6.1.) PRO's About Four Percent Group
Here are some of the reasons Four Percent Group have made it our #1 recommended choice over other programs:
You can earn High Ticket without breaking the bank
One of the best features of the Four Percent's compensation plan is that you still earn commissions on:
- ANNUAL membership upgrades ...
- Back End MODULES (ECom course, eStage, SEO Mastery etc.)...
- ... even if you yourself are only at the $49 / mo level.
This means you're able to earn high ticket without being forced to buy all the products yourself just for the sake of it.
They help you promote actual products
Ever gotten involved in a MLM or Network Marketing program and got really pumped up at first because of all the hype...???
But after spending thousands of dollars you realize that you actually feel guilty promoting it to others since all you're really promoting is a compensation plan or an opportunity?
Yep... I've been there.
This is a major reason why Four Percent Group has my endorsement, because they promote actual products... along with affiliate marketing and internet marketing education & training.
It's NOT MLM , Biz Opp, or Network Marketing
Four Percent is Affiliate Marketing and not MLM or Network Marketing Biz Opportunity, so:
- No recruiting
- Not pyramid or multi-level marketing
- No hard up-sells
- No sneaky "you must upgrade & pay $2,000 to start earning"
- Not a 'biz opp' or just 'opportunity hype'
They pass on 100% of the commissions of 3rd party tools to YOU... the affiliate
Most programs or courses get you to go out as a distributor or affiliate and promote the company for a commission.
HOWEVER... During the training modules the company will earn extra income by promoting tools like ClickFunnels, Getresponse etc.... during the lessons.
4 Percent is the first program where you get to plug in your own affiliate ID's... and they pass 100% of the commissions of all these tools onto you.
Four Percent is a product in CLICKBANK
Clickbank is a trusted Affiliate network, and Four Percent have gone to Clickbank to be their merchant for their membership & in-house products.
So you are covered under Clickbanks terms of sale & guarantee.
Interestingly Four Percent is the first client that clickbank has actually programmed a 3 tier commission plan structure for. As it turned out, the launch of Four Percent was initially delayed a little bit because of the technical scope of adding this tiered level structure to their commission payouts.
ClickBank & ClickMagick have created systems Specifically for Four Percet
Not only ClickBank, but also ClickMagick has created systems into their software to accommodate specifically for Four Percent.
ClickMagick has included special tracking technology... based on 4% funnels.
The fact that 3rd party companies are doing this to align themselves with Vick & the FourPercent shows that it really is a quality and legit business.
You can start getting results fairly quickly
Typically in MLM it would take 2-5 years of work before you start seeing meaningful results (being over $5k/mo).
With digital marketing / affiliate marketing you can start making money in your first week... and a small percentage of people are able to achieve breakthroughs in their first 30-90 days.
By following their "getting started" steps you can set it all up, tap into the funnels and start driving traffic in just a few hours.
Support is responsive
They have both an 'email' support and a 'live chat' support system that runs 24/7/365.

With the email support I've always gotten a response within 24 hours. Usually the responses are brief, but direct and to the point.
Also live chat support is a good recent edition, with the ability to rate your support at the end of the chat.
It's risk free... Start for $1 and You can cancel your membership any time
You can cancel any time. Send an email to support and they will stop your subscription if you wish to cancel no questions asked.
Remember, it's only $1 to try it out for the first 7-days. You will know in that time whether it's something you want to continue with or not.
You will learn to be an independent marketer... not just a distributor for 4 Percent.
One thing I love about the way Vick put's together the training, is he gives you strategy to be able to promote anything. To build yourself and your personal brand... and not to have to depend on any one system or company for your success.
but the important thing is to learn the "skill-set" to become a good marketer.
6.1.) CON's About Four Percent Group
Currently going through UPDATES & CHANGES
At the point of writing this review they are currently upgrading the back office structure.
While this will ultimately be a good thing, it has meant in the meantime there can be a bit of confusion for members while the updates are happening and new training's are being released, and new funnels are being built.
Not all the TRAFFIC MODULES have been released yet
Just like the back office upgrades, the individual traffic products have not all been created and released yet in the marketplace.
This will be a good thing eventually since when they do come out they will be the latest and most relevant training. But the waiting may be frustrating if you wish to purchase a specific training.
However when it comes to traffic, there's plenty of training in the PRO level members area already.
The $19/mo affiliate fee...
Why do you have to pay an additional $19/mo affiliate fee on top of the $49/mo to earn commissions? Yeah... this was a bit weird for me too...
The reason... I found out, has got to do with making the system complaint legally. To separate out 'customers' from 'promotional partners'.
When the only way a company makes money is by recruiting reps & distributors... then it's really just a shady pyramid scheme.
Although Four Percent do have actual products that are sell-able to the market as standalone products... they needed to separate customers from promotional partners so they introduced the $19/mo promotional partner fee.
Yep, this sucks I know... but it's the way a lot of companies are going these days and it's not unique to just Four Percent.
Since the quality of the training is pretty good... I was willing to cop this one on the chin.
There used to be a FREE TRIAL to the system, but not anymore
When Four Percent first came out, they initially allowed free access via a front end funnel called "7-Steps to Results".
This free option is no longer available. But you can try it for $1 for 7-days and if you don't resonate with the training can easily cancel before the $49 membership kicks in.
Vick (founder of Four Percent) has had a checkered past
This is easily found from doing a simple Google search. His past is something he acknowledges and openly shares with his members (e.g. even in his 'the journey' video).
My feeling is that this is something that happened many years ago while he was still in the insurance industry. The fact that big industry leaders and top companies want to work with Vick and the Four Percent group shows he has gained their trust & respect, and he has learned from his past.
I genuinely believe Vick really wants to help people succeed, and like I mentioned there's no other company that allows us to earn commissions on 3rd party tools and software. If Vick just wanted to make more money, he would keep these commission for himself.
Summary of PRO's & CON's
Considering the value for what you get (education, compensation plan, done-for-you-funnels, step-by-step training)... in my opinion the PRO's outweigh the CONs.
7.) Who Four percent Group is For
I would recommend 4 Percent for people who:
8.) Who Four percent Group is NOT For
I would not recommend this for people who:
10.) Why Four Percent get's our #1 Vote
After trying out many different systems and programs (and being scammed by a few)... these are ultimately the BIG REASONS WHY 4 Percent Group get's my #1 vote:
So considering all this, what you get for $49 / month is really good value in my opinion.
11.) Four percent Group Review - CONCLUSION
So after considering a few different rating factors that were important to me like affordability, how well it converts, value of the education & strategies, the compensation plan, the back office structure & affiliate center etc...
Four Percent Group is our #1 Recommended Program to Learn Affiliate Marketng
How to get started with Four Percent!
STEP 1.) - Click the button on the right ==>
STEP 2.) - Watch the free video
STEP 3.) - If you resonate with the message, join up and get started with the $10k challenge
$49 (with $1 trial for 7-days)
I believe that learning free traffic strategies along with one paid strategy is a great way to get started online with low risk, while you develop your skills as a marketer. That's why I believe in Four Percent Group, and also why I want to give you access to these BONUS training's, to help people get the best start online they possibly can.
To claim the bonuses, after your $1 trial period ends, please forward a screenshot receipt for your $49 membership to me at either:
- Email: [email protected], or
- Facebook Page: click here to visit my facebook, or
- Facebook Direct Messenger: click here to open up Facebook messenger
Simply send me a message like, "Hey Steve, just joined with FourPercent from your website, can you please let me know how I can get the bonuses?"... and i'll hook you up 😉
BONUS #1 - Intern Traffic Formula
Price: $997, get it free!
Learn How to get massive traffic to any product, offer or campaign.

Internet Traffic Formula (ITF) is broken into 3 main components;

The 'traffic mastery' component alone is made up of the following Modules;

Bonus #2 - PDF Training Manual

Bonus #3 - Facebook Marketing 'the VISUAL Guide'

Bonus #4 - My TOP RATED Products to Promote Online & How to Promote Them

Bonus #5 - Done-For-You 'MINI-FUNNEL' you Import into ClickFunnels

Bonus #6 - Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp

Bonus #7